Monday, June 30, 2014

Brownies: Choosing a Troop Crest

Troop Crests
It used to be that troop crests were for Juniors and up only. A while ago this changed, and GSUSA began allowing Brownies to choose troop crests. Technically, the crest is supposed to stay the same throughout the life of the troop. However, it is not unheard of for a troop to choose a new crest when the girls bridge to a new level (especially if they're getting a new vest and have had a change in member turnover, troop focus, etc.). If a troop ever changes its number, by all means change the crest too if that's what they want to do. While the guidelines indicate the crest should not be changed, it's important to remember the crest is supposed to represent the troop and its goals, so it makes sense to me that it might need to change over the years. After all, there's a big difference between ages seven and seventeen. And when you're focusing on being girl-led, it makes sense to let the girls choose what best represents them as a troop, as they mature. 

I'm not saying break the rules or anything. I'm just saying listen to your girls, and to me, that's part of the evolution of "girl-led" as the troop matures. I can't stress this enough: Put your troop's needs first.

Anyway, all that said, I wasn't comfortable with presenting 16 options to my girls as first-year Brownies, for a couple of reasons (listed below in no particular order):

  • They were still very young (most were seven) and it can be tough at this age to distinguish between "what represents us" versus "what represents me," and "oh, this one's pretty!" or "that sounds like what I should pick" and so on.
  • 16 options? That's great! But it's also a LOT. While second graders can definitely handle more choices than Kindergarteners (for instance), I wanted to wait until I felt like they wouldn't be overwhelmed by the number of choices.
  • They need to be able to not only pick what best represents the troop, but also keep in mind the troop goal -- the direction they want to move as a troop both now and in the future.
  • The older they get, the better they are at handling disappointment when their choice isn't the one picked by the troop as a whole.
Now, does that mean my way is the right way? Nope. Does it mean the girls wouldn't have been able to handle it and make the perfect choice as a troop? No clue. But it felt like we needed to wait, so I waited. Technically, troops can choose a crest as soon as they bridge to Brownies if they're ready. As always, do what is the best fit for your girls.

Anyway, my girls are older now, and I believe they are mature enough to think it through and handle the disappointment if their individual choice is overruled by the majority.

However, I don't want them to be distracted by how the crests look. Otherwise I'm pretty sure we'd end up with mostly unicorns, despite meaning. So I typed up the meanings of the crests, without images, worded it as best I could based upon my research about the crests, and this is what I'm giving the girls:

Troop Crest Handout

This year we are choosing our Troop Crest patch (it goes between the Council ID hamburger-shaped patch, and our troop numbers). The Troop Crest represents our troop and its purpose as a Girl Scout Troop, and is worn by our troop for many years, not just now. So think carefully about your choice. Don't just pick what you like, or what fits you. Think about the troop as a whole, if you can.

Please pick the one that you think best represents our troop by putting a checkmark by it. If you cannot choose just one, because there are two that you think are equally good fits for us, you may check two.

Once you choose one that's a good representation of our troop (and put a check by it), look again to see if you think there's another choice that would be better for us to choose to have as a troop goal. If you think there is one, then circle that box. If you aren't sure, don't circle anything. Just put a check by the one or two you think fit us the best. 

The difference between representation and goal is one this: Representation means what we already are. Goal is what we want to be, and what we should strive toward.

_____ We take action and are always moving forward. We are optimistic and want to change the world.
_____ We work hard and are industrious. We aren't afraid of working to accomplish something. We want to inspire others.
_____ We are full of happiness and good fortune. We are optimistic and want to spread good cheer
wherever we go.
_____ We are healthy and energetic. We want to make the world a better place.
_____ We are graceful and strong. We are true to ourselves, our friends, and our values. Our highest goals are honor and loyalty.
_____ We pay attention to details. We want to bring focus, and work hard, in everything we do.
_____ We are focused on love, friendship, and peace. We want to spread peace and goodwill in the world.
_____ We are full of inspiration and creative power. We seek inspiration in our own lives and want to
inspire others as well.
_____ We are always growing and changing, on the inside and outside. We are always trying new things and not afraid of change.
_____ We have loving thoughts and special friendships. We are proud to be sisters to every Girl Scout,
all over the world.
_____ We are rare, unexpected, and beautiful individuals. We want to light up the world.
_____ We are full of warmth and light. We want to spread good cheer, and help others grow, as we grow too.
_____ We are always ready to march into action. We are courageous and want to work to make the world a better place.
_____ We are beautiful and courageous. We want to spread beauty in the world with our words and actions.
_____ We are steadfast, strong, and proud of who we are, and will remain true to ourselves, no matter how much things change around us.
_____ We embrace new things, and new beginnings. We want to always be looking ahead.

Once the girls have chosen their top picks, both for current representation and goal, I'll take the top three (combined), and we will have an open discussion about them, followed by a silent ballot vote. 

Feel free to adjust the wording in the above handout, if you feel like I didn't describe the crests accurately. And post in comments, too, please! I looked at quite a few resources and tried to condense meaning and include potential goals for them all, but might've overlooked something.

After we narrow it down to three, and they vote, the top pick will be our troop crest! (If I had to pick right now which one I think best represents our troop, I think it's a tossup between the Lei and Shooting Star. We'll see how well I know my girls. ;) I'll update with their choice once they've decided.)

Here's a picture of what they look like:

Here's a link to the images with meanings included. Here is another blogger's take on the History of Troop Crests. It's an interesting read.

Next up? I HAVE NO IDEA! Ha! It's summer. I'm working on all this in bursts as my kids allow. I think tomorrow we might just go to the pool and relax. Unless our face paint and fabric markers have arrived, in which case they might talk me into working on another Try-It. . . . I'm playing it by ear. :)


  1. My girls will be 1st year Brownies this year. I want to do a troop crest and had the parents leave the space for it. Like the breakdown you did on what each crest means. Thank you.

  2. My co-leader and I read what the troop crests meant and then picked what we liked. We then gave the girls the options that we chose that were the same. Luckily we have a small troop - but I was still amazed that it was unanimous - Crane

  3. I really, really appreciate all the time and detail you put into your blog. I'm a new Daisy leader and everything you post is so helpful. This is my daughter's first year in Girl Scouts but she is a second year Daisy. You mentioned in your blog about working on Try-Its with your girls outside of troop meetings. Do you allow your girls to iron on the patches they earn outside of troop meetings or keep it more undercover? Every weekend my daughter wants to work on the next Daisy idea that we won't be earning this year as a troop but I'm not allowing her to iron on earned patches since others do not have the opportunity and/or have shown no interest in earning anything outside of troop meetings. I guess I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle this now so we can make changes and not have the same problem next year as a Brownie. Thank you!

    1. I actually encourage my girls to work on badges independently! As long as it's not just working ahead (meaning it's a badge the troop will be working on at some point), I'm totally fine with all of them putting in additional effort and working on what *they* want -- whatever interests them. I do ask that any who do so either keep a record of what steps they took (often I'll have parents send me an email with pictures or a list), but what I prefer is to have them tell the troop about it. I believe working independently, even at the early levels, is absolutely encouraging a Girl Scout to take initiative, set goals, and follow through. These are key leadership skills. If your daughter wants to earn badges independently, please let her! But if you're concerned about fairness (which is very valid), then communicate to the other girls (and their parents) that they are welcome to do the same! This will also encourage parents to be more involved in their daughters' GS experience, and may give them additional appreciation for what you do, as a leader, in planning meetings and helping the girls meet goals. :)Hope that helps! Keep me posted. :) And thank you for being willing to step up and be a GS Leader!

    2. Thank you!!! This is very helpful. I think I have a better understanding of how to approach this subject with my co-leader and parents. I really appreciate your time. Thanks again!

  4. When we voted on troop crest in Brownies, we picked 4 options and on the ballot that year, and for Juniors and now Cadettes we used all options. I always create the ballot without the picture of the troop crest, just the name and what it represents.

  5. Are the crest descriptions you wrote above in top - bottom and left-right order? Thank you!

    1. So which crest did they pick?

  6. How big is the crest patch? Trying to estimate how much room to leave on the Brownie vest, our troop hasn't chosen one yet. Thanks!

  7. Silly question but do we buy another crest every time the girls bridge? or do we tear it off and sew it on to the next vest?

  8. I feel like you read my mind. We did not do a crest as Brownies, but are Juniors now and ready for it. I was concerned about being distracted by images so your text is perfect!


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